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Facilities Fees

As of October 2023 — Fees subject to change
 Friday Evening Dinner, Stern Hall $300
     1.5 hours, 5:00 – 6:30pm  
 Security (4 hours; each additional hour $50) $200
 Saturday Kiddush Luncheon, Stern Hall Included in B’ Mitzvah fee
    Immediately following B' Mitzvah service until 2:00pm  
 Extended luncheon $100 per hour after 2:00pm
 Evening Party Saturday of Service, Stern Hall $1000
 Hours: 6:00 – 10:00pm  
 4 hours; each additional hour $50
 Weekday Baby Naming Reception, Funeral Reception, Stern Hall   $200
 1.5 hours daytime use while temple building is open  
 Sacred Garden $200
 1.5 hours daytime use while temple building is open  
 Tablecloths — Rental   $20 each
 Colors Shape  
 Black  Round Only  
 Maroon  Round & Rectangle  
 White  Round & Rectangle  
 Families may also rent tablecloths from an outside vendor.  
 Dance Floor  $200
 Sacred Garden  $200
 With Gaga Pit if desired  
 Laptop  No charge
 Projector  No charge
 Screen  No charge
 Portable Sound System  
 Friday Night Oneg, Stern Hall $200 

It is customary for the B' Mitzvah family to sponsor the Oneg following the Friday evening service. For B' Mitzvot prior to 7/1/2024, Temple Sinai will provide the Friday evening Oneg, which includes fruit, pastries and coffee/tea for up to 50 people. The fee for this is $200. B’ Mitzvah families will be billed for the Oneg prior to your simcha. If you prefer to provide the Oneg yourself, please contact 30 days before your child’s service to make these arrangements. For B' Mitzvah 7/1/2024 and beyond, the cost of the Oneg will be included as part of the B' Mitzvah fee. B’ Mitzvah fees are billed one year prior to your simcha.



Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784