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Chevrah Kadisha - What Is It & Why Should You Care?—Zoom

Sunday, March 19, 2023 26 Adar 5783

12:45 PM - 3:00 PMZoom

What is Chevrah Kadisha and Why Should You Care?
With Speaker: David Zinner

David Zinner is the Founding Executive Director of Kavod v'Nichum and the co-creator with Rabbi Stuart Kelman of Kavod v'Nichum's Gamliel Institute. David is a writer, a teacher, a trainer, and an organizer who loves to see learning lead to action. David authored the first three Gamliel Institute Courses as well as numerous articles using many Torah portions, poetry, and even television shows to bring out the importance of the work  of the Chevrah Kadisha. Of course, this raises the question, what is the Chevrah Kadisha? David likes to say that the members of the Chevrah Kadisha, the Holy Society, take on the mitzvot of caring for the dead and comforting the bereaved, not because the work is secret (it is not), nor because  it is physically difficult (it is not), but because this mitzvah is infused with profound meaning (it is) and because the work of the Chevrah Kadisha pierces through our armor of death denial and forces us to recognize our own mortality (it does). And why should we care? Because it is the mitzvah of the people, a traditional practice that is accessible to all.   

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Sat, January 11 2025 11 Tevet 5785