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Erev Shabbat and Refugee Awareness Service—Albers Chapel & Livestream

Friday, March 24, 2023 2 Nisan 5783

6:30 PM - 7:15 PMAlbers Chapel & Livestream
For over 100 years, HIAS and its partners around the world have worked to provide safety and support to those fleeing from war and persecution. Advocates and lawmakers in many countries are pushing for asylum laws that ensure people arriving at their borders can access their basic human right to seek protection. HIAS is working with JFCS (Jewish Family & Community Services East Bay), our local resettlement partner, to help those who have been forcibly displaced from their homes access their right to pursue safety and rebuild their lives with dignity. 
Now is the time for us to raise our voices even louder as a Jewish community to say that we will not allow what so often happened to us to happen to today’s refugees!
We hope that you will join us at the Refugee Shabbat at Temple Sinai on Friday, March 24, at 6:30pm (in-person and streaming) to show solidarity with refugees worldwide, hear refugee stories, and learn about local actions you can take. Hear from guest speakers: Joe Goldman, HIAS West Coast Community Engagement Director and Rabbi Peretz Wolf-Prusan, JFCS East Bay Board Member.
Please see details HERE.

Download supplement to follow along with the service HERE
If you are planning to attend in person we would greatly appreciate it if you could sign-up HERE to bring something. We hope that lively and meaningful discussions of how to help can continue over the Oneg!
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Wed, February 5 2025 7 Sh'vat 5785