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May the Fourth B' Mitzvah

Saturday, May 4, 2024 26 Nisan 5784

6:30 PM - 10:00 PMStern Hall and Albers Chapel

Dust off your lightsabers and join us for an epic evening filled with fun, laughter, celebration and, of course, the Force! 

Please join us as we honor the 13th anniversary of the construction of the Rabbi Steven and Leona Chester Campus which houses the Rabbi Samuel and Judith Broude Clergy Wing, Albers Chapel, the Barbara Bakar Shupin Education Center and David Pregerson Preschool. 

We invite you to an intergalactic adult celebration where we journey to a galaxy far, far away on May the Fourth! Dust off your lightsabers, don your Obi-Wan robes, put your hair into Leia buns, or dress up in your favorite Star Wars attire and join us for an epic evening filled with fun, laughter, celebration and, of course, the Force!

Join us for:

• Star Wars and Temple Sinai Trivia
• Photo Booth
• Keep Fueled with Light-Year Libations
• Grab Some Galactic Delights
• Get your Galactic Groove On
• Costumes Welcome!

Tickets are $136 per guest. Walk-ins will not be permitted.

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