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Wise Aging Speaker Series: Rabbi Laura Geller, Co-Author of “Getting Good at Getting Older”—ZOOM

Thursday, February 18, 2021 6 Adar 5781

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


The Wise Aging Speaker series welcomes Rabbi Laura Geller

Rabbi Geller is the Rabbi Emerita of Temple Emanuel in Beverly Hills and the co-author of “Getting Good at Getting Older.” The book is described as a “tour for all of us of a certain age” through the resources and skills we need to navigate the years between maturity and old age. It brings humor, warmth, and more than 4,000 years of Jewish experience to the question of how to shape this new stage of life. Personalized signed copies of the book are available for those who register before Feb. 12th. Suggested donation $10. Donation with a personalized signed copy of the book, $30.

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