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WTS: End of the Year Picnic—Temescal Regional Recreation Park

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 15 Sivan 5782

4:00 PM - 6:00 PMTemescal Regional Recreation Park

Please join your WTS sisters for an end-of-the-year outdoor gathering to celebrate our passion for WTS. Join us live, in person (not Zoom), at Lake Temescal Park in Oakland. WTS will provide a signature passion fruit cocktail and water. This celebration event is a potluck with appetizers and desserts brought by everyone for everyone. We would appreciate it if you could bring individually wrapped (or packaged) appetizers or desserts. If you have questions about what is okay and not, please email Enter the park through the North Entrance (6500 Broadway), NOT the Broadway Terrace entrance. You will find a large parking lot, picnic tables and benches. The site is wheelchair accessible. We suggest you bring your own folding/camping chairs for comfort.

Please register here by June 10.

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