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WTS Year-End Happy Hour Celebration—Offsite

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 12 Sivan 5784

5:00 PM - 7:00 PMLake Park Senior Living

WTS Year-End Happy Hour and Accessories Exchange    
Tuesday June 18, 5:00– 7:00pm, Lake Park Senior Living

Please join WTS members at our year-end Happy Hour & Potluck Party. The celebration will include libations, appetizers, and our popular jewelry exchange! For the Potluck please provide an appetizer or dessert for 8. For the gift exchange, please bring costume jewelry or a small accessory, (ie: belt, scarf, small handbag. Any leftover items will be donated.)

Our only order of business: approving the WTS Proposed Slate of Officers and Directors for the coming year, then on with the party! Beverages provided. Metered Street parking on Alice, and 19th Streets. Carpools are encouraged and upon registering, carpool information will be shared.

This event is free for WTS Members. Not yet a member and want to attend? Register and bring your check to the event.

Register by June 14


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