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Choose How Your Gift is Used

Where The Need is Greatest Fund
Supports current programs & helps make membership available for all regardless of financial ability

Endowment Fund
A fund held in perpetuity whereby the generated income helps to provide our programs and services

​Clergy Discretionary Funds
Rabbi Mates-Muchin Discretionary Fund
Cantor Keys Music Fund
Rabbi Bressler Discretionary Fund
Rabbis Giving Fund — helping congregants during difficult times

General Scholarship Fund
Joe Remcho Memorial Fund
 (Preschool Scholarships)
Joellyn Weiss Memorial Fund — URJ Camp Scholarships Preschool Fund (general support)
Preschool Fund (general support)
Religious School Fund (general support)
Religious School Scholarship Fund 
Special Education Fund
 (educational resources for special needs students)
William Gold Memorial Fund (Religious School)
Youth Scholarship Fund

Temple Sinai Community
Maureen's Garden Fund (beautification of Temple Sinai)
Caring Community Fund (helping congregants during difficult times)
Library Fund (purchasing books and materials for our library)
Prayerbook Fund (purchasing Siddurim for our congregation)
Stern Lecture Scholar-in-Residence Fund (sustaining our annual Scholar-in-Residence program)

Social Action
Anti-Hunger/Poverty Fund (assisting those in need in our community)
People of the Book - Oakland Literacy Project (providing books and materials for local schools)

Israel Travel & Study
Lionel Benas Confirmation Fund (Informal Study in Israel for Confirmation students)
Meriel Harpham Memorial Fund (Scholarships for Study in Israel)

Tue, January 21 2025 21 Tevet 5785