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Sounds of Sinai

Shalom! And welcome to Sounds of Sinai.

This recording was made as an educational tool to help you learn the various Friday night Shabbat melodies that we do at Temple Sinai. For some of the texts, there are more than one musical version to reflect the rich musical traditions of our congregation. Please feel free to sing along, clap, tap your feet, and even dance to the music. It is my hope that by providing you with this tool, you will come to the Shabbat service with a deeper connection to the music, and therefore, feel more comfortable participating in our worship service. In this way, you will be able to add your own voice to the Sounds of Sinai. Enjoy and Shabbat Shalom!

To hear music from Sounds of Sinai, click on a song below:

Hal'luyah (Psalm 115:18) – Debbie Friedman
Hinei Mah Tov (Psalm 133:1) – M. Jacobson arr. C. Davidson
Shalom Aleichem – I. Goldfarb arr. C. Davidson
L'chu N'ran'na (Psalm 95) – R. Sirotkkin
Candle Blessing – A.W. Binder
L'cha Dodi – Folk Tune
Barchu – Ben Siegel
Sh'ma – S. Sulzer & G. Ephros arr. C. Davidson
V'ahavta – Torah cantillation
Mi Chamocha – Richard Silverman
Mi Chamocha – Isadore Freed
V'shamru – Debbie Friedman
V'shamru – M.J. Rothblum
Avot v'Imahot – Traditional chant
Yism'chu – Folk Tune arr. G. Hedaya
Yism'chu – Stephen Richards
Mi Shebeirach – Lisa Levine
Mi Shebeirach – Debbie Friedman & Drorah Setel
Shalom Rav – Daniel Freelander & Jeff Klepper
Oseh Shalom – Jeff Klepper arr. Stephen Richards
Oseh Shalom – Debbie Friedman
Aleinu – S. Sulzer arr. H. Fromm
Bayom Hahu – Joel Gordon
Bayom Hahu – Robert Bloch
Yom Zeh L'Yisrael – Folk Tune
Ki Eshm'ra Shabbat – Baghdad Folk Tune arr. C. Davidson
Adon Olam – French Sephardic Folk Tune
Adonai Oz (Psalm 29:11) – Daniel Freelander & Jeff Klepper

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785