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Shabbat Services
Shabbat Services
Erev Shabbat Services
Friday Evenings at 6:30pm
Join us as we welcome the Shabbat with candle-lighting, song and prayer. Friday evening services often include teaching sessions, sermons, guest speakers, or special musical services.
Services are followed by an Oneg Shabbat, where members and guests can mingle informally and enjoy the Shabbat spirit together.
Please help with the Friday night services by volunteering your time as an usher. Greeting congregants and handing out prayer books makes a wonderful impression on those attending. All Temple members are encouraged to usher.
Click here to volunteer as an usher for any Friday services.
First Friday Shabbat in the Round
First Friday of the Month, 6:30pm, Albers Chapel
Join our clergy and the First Friday Players to welcome Shabbat with a new song-filled worship service celebrating the richness of Kabbalat Shabbat and the spirit of community.
Mizmor Shir!
Third Friday of every month at 6:30pm
A musical Shabbat service featuring Cantor Keys and the Mizmor Shir! musicians which include: piano, guitar, mandolin, flute, saxophone, clarinet, drums and other percussive instruments. This service features congregational melodies and eclectic, contemporary music which compliment the creative service booklet compiled by Rabbi Mates-Muchin specifically for this service.
Sababa Shabbat
Sababa Shabbat is our monthly family Shabbat celebration for children ages 0 - 8 and their families. Sababa Shabbat will take place at 5:15pm on the following nights:
November 8, 2024
January 10, 2025
February 28, 2025
April 25, 2025
May 16, 2025
Shabbat Minyan
Second Shabbat Morning of Each Month, 10:30am, Albers Chapel
The Temple Sinai Shabbat Minyan organized and conducted by the Minyan Committee (part of the Temple Ritual Committee) and is a lay-led service that provides a place for:
- Deep and spiritually meaningful worship experience, using a liturgy that builds on the traditional Hebrew prayers, yet includes modern perspectives and texts
- Spiritual connections through the inspiration of musical leaders and the ru’ach of group singing and chanting
- Deepening understanding of the meaning and history of the liturgy and of Torah
- Enhancing skills in chanting, Torah commentary, and other participatory aspects of the service
- Building a strong sense of community and celebrating the joy of Shabbat through ritual and the sharing of kiddush lunch
Shabbat Morning Services
Saturdays at 10:30am, Sanctuary
Join us for a service with prayer, reflection and singing. These services include the chanting of the week's Torah portion and Haftarah, followed by a few minutes of D'var Torah teaching.
Shabbat morning services are typically held in the Sanctuary and often celebrate a B’ Mitzvah ceremony. Services are followed by a Kiddush in which all are welcome to enjoy food and socializing.
Misheberach/Healing List
During the Covid lockdown when services were on Zoom, we stopped keeping a Misheberach list for reasons of privacy and asked congregants to instead speak the name of the person for whom they were asking prayers when prompted during services.
We are now happily back in person for services and will once again keep a Misheberach list. We accept names for the list at the request of family or clergy. Names will be removed from the Misheberach list after 90 days.
If you would like to add a name to the Misheberach list, please send an email with the pertinent information to misheberach@oaklandsinai.org by Thursday at noon for the following Friday and Saturday services. You may also call the office Monday through Friday 9:00am – 5:30pm at (510) 451-3263, x301 to request by phone that a name be added to the healing list.
For services held in Albers Chapel, the healing list will be posted just inside the Chapel doors.
Wed, March 26 2025
26 Adar 5785

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