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Women of Temple Sinai

The Women of Temple Sinai (WTS), an affiliate of the Women of Reform Judaism, is the collective voice and presence of women in congregational life. Stronger together, we support the ideals and enhance the quality of Jewish living to ensure the future of Temple Sinai and progressive Judaism in North America, Israel and around the world.

WTS is an inclusive community for all Temple Sinai women — married, partnered, single, divorced, and widowed — with or without children — Jewish and non-Jewish. We have a long history of supporting youth and families, funding Temple endeavors, providing educational forums, getting involved in critical issues, and encouraging women's leadership development and personal growth in mind, body and spirit. All who identify as female are welcome.

For more information about Programs, please contact us at

See membership information below or click here to become a member.

Upcoming Events

WTS Women's Seder
Thursday, April 17, 6:00pm, Stern Hall

The timeless narrative of Passover's exodus resonates profoundly with the immigrant experience in the US, as both stories powerfully evoke themes of liberaton, resilience, and the pursuit of a better life. Join women of all ages at this seder honoring US immigrants. Invite your daughters, mothers, sisters, aunts, cousins and friends to this inspiring seder! Bring your favorite Kosher for Passover dish and share in a sumptuous buffet. Ceremonial foods and wine will be included!

Register by April 11.

Shabbat Service Workshop Series
Mondays, March 10, 17, 24, 31, and April 7, 2025, 5:30 – 7:00pm, Zoom

We are excited to begin the process of creating our 35th Annual WTS Shabbat Service on Friday, April 25, 2025: “Shemini” Leviticus 9:1 - 11:47.

Come share in this opportunity for women’s minds and voices to come together to discover, reinterpret, and write your own Shabbat prayer in a supportive atmosphere. Any WTS member wishing to participate is welcomed—no previous experience necessary. 

Bi-monthly Meetings

Second Wednesday of every other month
6:30pm via Zoom until further notice

All women are invited to attend WTS Board meetings to gain an understanding of our organization, contribute their ideas and get to know other women. Meetings largely focus on planning future events and critical issues activities, reports from the board and related business. However, some meetings also include special activities and/or speakers. 

Become a Member

How can you get involved? Become a member! 
There are many reasons why women join WTS and a lot depends on where they are in their lives:

  • Many women join for social reasons and attend events to meet and be with other Jewish women.
  • Some join because they have children and appreciate all that WTS does to support youth and families.
  • Many women join in support of social action activities and our critical issues agenda.
  • Often non-Jewish women join because their spouse or partner is Jewish and it's a great way to learn more about keeping a Jewish home and Jewish traditions.
  • There are women who join even though they know they don't have the time right now to participate, because they believe in what WTS and our national affiliate, WRJ, stands for and they want to show their support.

New Temple Sinai Members: Take advantage of our one-year complimentary membership!

Membership Dues: All WTS members are an equal part of our community regardless of dues amount. Women are asked to join at whatever level they are able.

Annual Membership             
    Basic Dues           $45     
"Contributing" Memberships             
    Basic Dues + Chai          $63     
    Basic Dues + Double Chai          $81     
    Basic Dues + Triple Chai          $99    


Join Women of Temple Sinai  
You can join WTS using this link

You can also join by downloading the WTS Membership form and following instructions on the form.

For more information, please contact us at

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785